Baby #4!

Sunday, June 25, 2006

14 weeks

Been a while since I've posted. I'm 14 weeks today. The gag reflex is getting a little better & overall I feel pretty good, although the last couple of days I've felt sleepier than usual. Right now we're busy preparing our house to put it up for sale. Our goal is to have it listed by Tuesday. I think that might be why I'm so sleepy; we've been pulling a lot of late nights & the kids don't sleep in, so sleep is in short supply!

My next appointment is on my birthday, July 3rd. I plan to bring Nathan in with me since he always likes hearing the baby's heartbeat. Still haven't felt this little one move yet, but again, I'm pretty much on the go from time to notice tiny movements, I suppose!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Not feeling great

Funny, I'm 12 & 1/2 weeks along, yet this is probably one of the "worst" feeling days I've had in this pregnancy. Woke up with an extreme gag reflex (didn't help that Megan had a dirty diaper I had to deal wtih first thing, either!) & it's hung around all day. My food doesn't feel like it's settling real well either. I'm not used to this; thankfully I rarely experience this kind of thing.

In a couple of months I'll get to go in for my "big" ultrasound to determine the gender of this baby. So far most of my friends & family are guessing another boy, but there are a few girl votes in there as well. Can't wait to find out!

Monday, June 12, 2006

Note to self...

Call & make next OB appointment! I'm due to go back in about 2 weeks, though I'll probably schedule it 3 weeks out since the 4th of July holiday falls on a Monday & the office isn't open then anyways. I've had such a hard time remembering to make future appointments for myself! I'm busier making the kids their various appointments & forget that I need to go in as well!

Once again, there is really not much to report. I'm feeling fine & am still waiting to feel the baby move. I believe next week I'll be in the 2nd trimester, which is hard to believe, but I look forward to it since there are so many fun things to come! I can't wait to find out if "Wuh-Josh" is a boy or a girl!!!:) Wuh-Josh is the baby's nickname for now. Nathan wants to name the baby Wuh-Josh--the opposite of his little brother's name, Joshua (Joshu-"wuh" as he says it!). I figured I'd tell him that we could call the baby that until we know the gender & he actually got frustrated about it, saying that no matter what, the baby was going to be called Wuh-Josh. Later he decided that if it was a girl, it could be Kaitlyn Wuh-Josh, but if it was a boy, he'll be Wuh-Josh hands down. I told him that when he grows up & becomes a daddy, if his wife agrees to it, they can name their child Wuh-Josh, but that mommy & daddy already have a special name picked out for the baby & as unfortunate as it may be, Wuh-Josh is not one of those names!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006


Now I wait to feel movements from this little one. I know it wasn't until I was about 17 weeks along with my 1st that I felt movements, but with my second, I remember it was 12w1d. Of course the movements weren't very often nor every day, but after going through a miscarriage, I was much more in tune with my body & am 100% sure of when I felt my little girl start moving. With my 3rd baby, I was about 11 & 1/2 weeks when I felt the first tap. I'm thinking that sometime in the next few weeks I should feel something, but it's going to be a lot harder to notice since I'm so stinkin' busy chasing after 3 energetic kids! When do I ever have time to sit down & kick back & wait to feel the baby move?!;)

Speaking of my 3 kids, wow, after the week I've been having, I refuse to think about life next year. We've got Mr. Mini Teenager with an Attitude, now almost 5 years old. Then there's my Selective Listener/Avid Climber little girl who is 2 & 1/2. (DH took his eye off of her for a minute the other day to read an article in a magazine. Looked up to find her on TOP of the neighbor's car!!!!) And finally, there's my usually happy baby who is now attempting to transition to one nap a day so has meltdowns from about 4:30pm on. He's 10 & 1/2 months now. There is never a dull moment or a time of the day where someone isn't calling for me or crying about something. So today, this mother had her own meltdown of sorts before noon. Yikes! Tomorrow has got to be better. I hope.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

I made the switch...

to maternity clothes. It's official! After ending up with a stomach ache on Thursday evening due to my regular shorts being just too tight, I decided to bite the bullet & switch to maternity pants/shorts. Granted they are a little big as I'm at that frustrating "too big for regular clothes, too small for maternity clothes" stage, but it sure is a heck of a lot more comfortable!

My closet has the's vomiting articles of clothing. Clothes scattered everywhere as I search for something that is long enough to cover the oh-so-flattering panel on the maternity pants or as I try on 10 different things before church and still feel frumpy. My poor husband; probably feels like he's rooming with a messy teenager these days! Although I've never been one to cherish the use of hangers (it's less work to pick something up off the floor than it is to remove it from a hanger!), I have to say that I don't think my closet has ever looked quite so bad as it does right now. Oh well.

Last night I went to the drugstore & purchased nearly $11.00 in candy. Don't worry, I shared! I gave 2 things to my husband & held onto the remaining 8 items. There are now only 2 items of candy remaining in my stash. Can I blame it on pregnancy cravings? Probably not, but it's a darn good excuse that'll work for now! Did I mention that Watchamacallits are my favorite candy bar?!:)

Thursday, June 01, 2006

We have a live one!!!!:)

My appointment went really well. The nurse was so excited to see me again--she said she read my name on the chart & just smiled. She was pregnant at the same time I was pregnant with my 2nd, so she's gotten to see me experience a few pregnancies I guess! I'm starting out at a lower weight than I did with Joshua, so that was kind of nice. I'm 3 pounds lighter & in my opinion, every pound counts!:) We went to the exam room & she said she'd try to find the heartbeat for me. As soon as she put the doppler on my stomach, we heard the baby's heartbeat! The baby moved away a split second later, but it was all I needed to hear to bring me some peace of mind! About 5 seconds later she found the heartbeat again & it was a steady 176 beats per minute. Definitely higher than my other 3 kids; they were all in the upper 150's to mid 160's. I guess it's still within "normal" range though. So I'm floating on cloud 9 today knowing that this little one is doing just fine. I can't wait to find out if it's a boy or a girl in about 10 weeks & I really can't wait to meet this little person & see what his/her role in life will be since this baby was definitely meant to be! (Of course all kids are meant to be, but the timing of this pregnancy was crazy!) Thanks to all my friends for your thoughts & prayers!!!