Thursday, April 27
This is way too early to probably even say it with confidence, but I'm pretty sure we're having another boy! I'm basing my reasoning on the fact that with all my boy pregnancies, I've never had a real's life as usual, eating salty, sweet, etc. With Megan, before I even knew I was pregnant, I had a craving for cucumbers dipped in Italian dressing. I can't stand cucumbers! And later in that pregnancy I craved wild rice as well, another food I typically am not too fond of. Truth be told, I kind of would like another girl, just to even things out & so that Megan could have a sister...but little boys are awesome too, so I will be thrilled no matter what! Bryn's brother says if we have just one more, we could have our own hockey team! Hmmmm...just kidding, we're DONE after this one!!!:)
Funny how every time you learn you're expecting a baby, it's exciting & you are so happy...yet the other kids somehow seem to just KNOW there's something going on & they act up & are all ornery & make you wonder what you've gotten yourself into by adding one more member to the family! Joshua is FINALLY starting to teethe--he's over 9 months old & not a single pearly white showing up yet--so he's been really crabby lately & not sleeping as well. Megan's doing pretty well--we're in the midst of potty training (we call it "M&M Time" which is so much more appealing to her than "do you want to sit on the potty?"--she gets an M&M just for sitting down & trying to go) & she is really getting the hang of it! And Nathan sways between being my sweet little guy & Mr. Mini-Teenager with an attitude. But I love them all, in spite of the difficulties at times!
Funny how every time you learn you're expecting a baby, it's exciting & you are so happy...yet the other kids somehow seem to just KNOW there's something going on & they act up & are all ornery & make you wonder what you've gotten yourself into by adding one more member to the family! Joshua is FINALLY starting to teethe--he's over 9 months old & not a single pearly white showing up yet--so he's been really crabby lately & not sleeping as well. Megan's doing pretty well--we're in the midst of potty training (we call it "M&M Time" which is so much more appealing to her than "do you want to sit on the potty?"--she gets an M&M just for sitting down & trying to go) & she is really getting the hang of it! And Nathan sways between being my sweet little guy & Mr. Mini-Teenager with an attitude. But I love them all, in spite of the difficulties at times!
At 2:08 PM,
Wendy said…
Well, you just might be right. You've been through enough pregnancies to know how your body reacts - so ya never know! Wish I was closer so I could come take those three little peanuts off your hands for awhile! :)
At 8:50 PM,
d_evans said…
Congrads on baby #4! Miss you girl!
At 7:03 AM,
d_evans said…
Okay, so I don't know you to miss you! Sorry. I thought you were someone else. You can delete my comment of your blog if you want since I don't know you! LOL
At 7:13 AM,
Wendy said…
No, don't delete it! Devon, you silly girl - you and Tricia will get along great. I hope you'll keep posting on her blog - I know she would love it! :) (((HUG)))
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