34 Week Appointment
Not a terrible appointment; not a great one, either. Nathan came along for this last visit as after this they will start doing internals & I'd really rather have no one there with me!;) I put on another 4 pounds (I was relieved...I've been eating like crazy at night when I actually can sit down & enjoy food!), blood pressure crept up a little bit & trace amounts of protein in my urine. Dr is not concerned yet, though I do have some minor swelling in my ankles. He suggested I elevate my feet a couple times a day for 10-15 minutes if possible. Yeah, that's going to happen right now with the older 2 fighting a lot & the youngest one constantly climbing up on things (and falling off!) or trying to get into the bathroom to play in the toilet!
Next appointment is in 2 weeks...and then we're down to weekly visits until baby arrives. I am SO not ready...
Next appointment is in 2 weeks...and then we're down to weekly visits until baby arrives. I am SO not ready...